Achieve Superior Results with Southeast Leadership
Before assisting with any services, we will want to take time and listen to you and understand your needs and only then determine together what is the best direction for you. Whether it is executive coaching or assisting in selection, the solution will be matched to your needs. Once an intervention or strategy has been completed, the effectiveness should be evaluated.
Click here to see what to expect in the initial conversation.

What we do
Needs analysis for training and evaluation.
A needs analysis defines issues. It is a necessary process of identifying gaps between what should be happening and what is happening. The analysis can address whether employee skills are at issue, or whether understaffing or equipment is causing the need. We have unique ways to identify needs, including assessments.
Executive and board coaching.
Executives and boards need assistance in setting goals, strategy, and maintaining performance. Both executives and boards often need assistance in planning for the future or overcoming structural and strategic issues. Coaching is a powerful and underused tool that leaves the individual leader or board in control and leads to measurable positive results. Often coaching can include a confidential 360-degree feedback or a personality assessment to bring more self-awareness to help emphasize strengths and work on chosen weaknesses.
Click here to see about executive coaching.
Assisting in selection
Is the candidate a fit for the culture of the organization or the team? Before selecting at any level, it is critical that leaders identify specifically what are the important values for the organization or the team. The leaders should define precisely what attributes the successful candidate would possess. Only then should an organization choose appropriate and reliable selection tools from a series of options that are tailored to meet those particular needs. Assessments, structured interviews (with training), or situational judgment tests are examples of what can be effective for evaluating candidates. For some positions selecting the wrong person can cost the organization tens of thousands of dollars. We can help you select the best fit for your organization.
Leadership development and team building.
Leadership matters. Leadership development includes maximizing communication skills, improving collaboration, driving results, planning for the future, or selecting other leaders. Teams can often have problems or conflicts associated with style, personality, and perception. A number of leadership and team-building theories may be applicable to different workplace environments. Improvements in the dynamics of the team, or the organization as a whole, will drive the bottom line.
Strategic and succession planning.
Each organization should spend time thinking of strategy. It should identify its objectives and goals. It should articulate how it plans to achieve those objectives now and in the future. Leaders for the future need to be identified and trained today. A first step may be to identify what is most important to the organization. Work done today can help sustain the profit for tomorrow.
Assessing and changing culture.
Most cultural changes fail. Most people underestimate the time and energy that it takes for cultural change. Do you have all stakeholders on board with a change? Have you considered the change from every angle? We can assess the culture and help with transitions and improvements. Passing a corporate resolution alone will not change culture. A cultural change requires buy-in or the change will fail. We can help guide you through the process to help drive a successful change in culture.
Organizational change or reorganizing.
Structures and processes can be assessed and improved – whether it is deeper within the organization or at the executive level. Reorganization is multifaceted and involves change itself. All change is difficult. An appeal to reason alone may not be sufficient to maintain a change. People within the organization may need to participate in a reeducation of why the change is necessary. Buy-in for any change is necessary for the change to stick. Leaders should consider the corporate documents, bylaws, policies, and procedures may also need proper attention, but only after satisfying important people.
Corporate problem solving.
Sometimes boards and executives have a general, but not specific, idea that there is a problem. We have many years of experience working with executives, boards, and human resources to help identify problems. Problem solving requires listening, and potentially assessing internal and external factors, before identifying solutions. We can help you figure out the approach to solving a problem.
Diagnosing & providing solutions.
Listen first. We use a hands-on approach and will sit down and discuss the history, culture, and underlying issues before helping you with a solution. If the culture is not considered, it is likely that if a solution is implemented, it will not stick. Assessment is a powerful tool that can be used to identify the correct issue to address, and it can later be used to give an accurate measurement as to the success of the solution.
Using 360-degree assessments.
Self-awareness is a powerful tool. A 360-degree assessment is a way to enhance self-awareness by having peers, supervisors, co-workers, direct reports, and customers give feedback on specified areas and behaviors about an individual. We try to sit down with the individuals giving feedback. This information can be shared – anonymously unless expressly agreed otherwise – with the individual and used for any development purposes that he or she chooses. Occasionally a 360-degree assessment can be used for a performance review, but it must be identified as such prior to implementation.
Evaluating or exiting executives.
How do organizations evaluate top executives? Are they evaluated at all? Of course, performance of the organization is a key indicator. Every organization should consider and adopt measures to evaluate top executives, and then articulate those measures to those executives. First, the board or top leaders should identify specific goals for a particular executive well in advance. Does the executive own the corporate vision? How does the executive make decisions? What feedback are the executives giving to the more senior executives or the board? Does the executive build the culture? Expectations are key, and there should be no surprises on methods or benchmarks. We use powerful tools to get leaders and executives on the same page. Occasionally a 360-degree assessment is a proper tool to be used in evaluation but only when used properly. If the executive is not performing up to expectations, exiting may be necessary. We typically will work with inside or outside lawyers in exiting senior leaders.
Talent management.
How does an organization develop performance goals? How does it decide how to measure against those goals? Talent management affects financial performance. The talent strategy can include talent planning, talent assessment, and performance management. A talent management process will include strategies that are tailored to the particular organization’s identity and needs, used for developing and retaining people to meet current and future organizational needs. We use powerful tools to assist in developing and reaching these performance goals.